Corporate Sponsors

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Predisan Corporate Sponsors

Predisan’s health ministries are blessed by corporate affiliations and corporate sponsors who enrich and enlarge our work.

Predisan health ministries are seeking new corporate sponsors. The possibilities for a corporation or business to be involved in our work and bless the people of Honduras are numerous and varied. The following corporate partners are presently active in Predisan’s work, and their help and assistance blesses our work and is deeply appreciated

Jackson Healthcare, Atlanta, GA., has generously supported Predisan’s work and enriched our efforts. Shane Jackson, Jackson Healthcare’s chief executive and president of, a Jackson Company, serves on Predisan’s board. Bill Franklin, Jackson Healthcare’s vice board chair and a longtime Predisan friend, was instrumental in developing the Jackson partnership. Jackson is actively involved in philanthropy through Jackson Healthcare Charities, and Predisan is a recipient of its great generosity. Jackson sends numerous surgical brigades to Predisan through the efforts of Chad Jackson, director of Jackson Healthcare Charities, and others